Your chance now to input into DEFRA and end the insanity that is Incineration and move the Country to a sensible waste strategy based on the concepts of Zero Waste.
Defra Consultation Link HERE
Bath and NE Somerset Council was the first in the land to adopt a waste strategy based on the philosophy of ZERO WASTE and at the same time reject any form of waste disposal based on the flawed logic of incineration. The motion put by Cllr Roger Symonds and Seconded by me was amazingly endorsed by the full Council with nearly all Councillors supporting us. Are arguement was so good that locally the Conservatives are as anti incineration as the Liberal Democrats.
Incineration, apart from the health issues and the poison mess it creates at the end of the burn, is a flawed concept. Recycling cannotbe based on destroying scarce material. It is an intelectually lazy approach to ligfe.
Zero Waste says that all products should be made in such a way that the component parts can be used as new raw material for new products.
Here in B&NES we recycle more types of products than anywhere else. Our current Conservative administration is finally putting in place this autumn food waste collection – a scheme that should have happened in the spring of 2008.
One of the hidden benefits of food waste recycling is that people clearly see the value of the food they atre throwing away and in fact generate less food waste. As a society we should be appalled by the amount of food we throw away.
[…] Paul Crossley | New Defra consultation on Waste […]
You’ve got it perfectly right. It is a pleasure to correspond with a councillor who recognises the simplicity of the solution to our alleged, insurmountable waste mountain. I wish that youi could speak to my own councils ERYC and KHCC, but they prefer to bury their heads in the sand.
Hi Barry
what Councils are ERYC and KHCC?
The EPA in the USA is considering the classification of pulverised fly ash (PFA) – the answer is simple it is a toxic product and should be classified as such and treated accordingly.
We had a 10 year debate about filling in the mines under Coombe Down with PFA – the industry preferred solution against the community who did not want the village to be designated as a hazardous landfill site.
PFA will over time leach into the ground water and make it undrinkable. Water is a precious resource. The industry that creates the PFA should find the treatment solution to dispose of it and not simply think it can bury it elsewhere.
In Combe Down we won the arguement against PFA and the mines were made safe using foam concrete that was manufactured to do the job properly and safely.
ERYC = East Riding of Yorkshire Council
KHCC = Kingston upon Hull City Council
Wish you could do have a work with the Lib Dems in York too – pursuing an incinerator for our waste with all their might.
[…] scarce material. It is an intellectually lazy approach to life.” – that from a Lib Dem Councillor in Bath, who were of course the first in the UK to adopt a zero-waste […]