I have just signed the 38Degrees letter to Vince Cable urging him to hold firm and not allow the Sky consolidation of media power and the BSkyB takeover.
38 Degree email
Dear Paul,
Exciting news! It looks like our campaign to stop Rupert Murdoch taking control of BSkyB might be on the verge of a massive breakthrough. [1]
Tens of thousands of us signed the petition telling Vince Cable to stand up to Murdoch’s power grab. Now the BBC has revealed leaked documents. They show that even Vince’s own advisers are now telling him he mustn’t let the deal go through.
This is huge progress – but we need to act together fast to stop Rupert Murdoch fighting back.
Public pressure has pushed Vince this far– a huge public letter will make it much more likely he now stands his ground. Please can you add your name to the huge open letter telling Vince to hold firm? We’ll be presenting it to him next week.
Click here to sign in 30 seconds:
It’s out in the open now that Vince Cable is thinking about making a stand. That means Rupert Murdoch’s army of lawyers and lobbyists will be all over Vince in the next few days, putting him under pressure to wave the deal through.
We have to make sure that Vince doesn’t lose his nerve. We need to carry him towards the right decision on a tidal wave of people power.
Murdoch might be able to put the pressure on behind closed doors. But there’s no way thousands of ordinary people will be signing any of his letters. A letter signed by thousands of us will remind Vince public opinion is on our side, not Murdoch’s.