Liberal Democrats tackling congestion in Bath with Park and Ride expansion

Big expansion of Lansdown Park & Ride complete

An extra 390 spaces are now available at Lansdown Park & Ride as part of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s upgrade of the city transportation system – two weeks earlier than planned.  The Council has already extended Odd Down Park & Ride by 230 spaces and plans to expand the Newbridge site by 250 spaces in the Autumn. The number of spaces will jump some 40% from 1,990 before the extensions started to 2,860 when complete. Some 500,000 passengers use Lansdown Park & Ride every year – a number anticipated to increase as a result of the expansion.

For my Liberal Democrat administration Park and Ride and its expansion is a key component in pursuading drivers to leave their cars on the outskirts of the City and catch one of the new buses into the heart of Bath.

The extension is part of the Bath Transportation Package that will help to tackle traffic congestion, improve air quality, and provide the infrastructure needed to support new homes and jobs for local people. The projects are funded through a combination of Council and Department for Transport and represent £27 million of investment.

With nearly 50,000 cars entering Bath every single weekday this expansion will ensure there is enough space for all users who want to take the bus in as the final leg of the journey.

For information about travelling into Bath using Park & Ride go to

The Bath Transportation Package and the full range of projects associated with it can be seen at

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