Bath is now debating a LTP which has several contentious elements – a bus rapid transit and a P&R in the flood plain. This has all been pushed through with inadequate consultation with the residents and a refusal to consider other options. The Rapid transit system will drive a two lane highway along peoples back gardens at huge expense all to get a few non-residents into the centre two minutes more quickly. The Liberal Democrats have proposed that the route should be reserved for green travel and the commuters bused in with improved bus lanes around the Lower and Upper Bristol Roads.
B&NES Conservatives Refuse
Independent Review of Bath Transportation Package
Conservative Councillors in B&NES have come under fire tonight for refusing to consider an independent review of the Bath Transportation Package.
The Liberal Democrat motion which was tabled to tonight’s B&NES Council meeting was intended to permit a proper debate on the Package, which has caused so much controversy. However the Conservative Group forced through an amendment, which was also backed by Labour and Independent Councillors, to maintain nothing more than the status quo.
Councillor Andrew Furse (Liberal Democrat, Kingsmead), who moved the original motion, said:
“We are still not convinced that all the alternatives have been properly looked at and that there has been real and meaningful consultation. Once again the Conservatives have shut their ears to the protests which have been raised by the very people who will be worst affected by the scheme.
“The Conservatives seem only to be concerned with quibbling about who voted for what and when in the past. But residents care more about what is on the table right now. It is clear that the other parties do not care about residents’ concerns.”
Speaking earlier in the debate, Councillor Caroline Roberts (Liberal Democrat, Newbridge) said:
“It has been said by some people that there is a lot of fuss over the loss of just a half a dozen gardens. In fact we have counted the numbers and there are up to 1000 residents who will be affected by the new road outside their houses, or the new extension to the Newbridge park and ride. I cannot comment on how many would be affected along other parts of the route and the east of Bath park and ride.
“The present situation is different in many ways to that agreed in the local transport plan, so the Tories should listen to the electorate and agree to an independent review to show the people that they are listening. But I suspects as usual they won’t listen yet again.”