The secretary of state has just made the wrong call on the Bath Transport Package. It should be going to a full public enquiry to look at the flawed process that has led to this scheme that will cost a fortune and not deliver any real savings to congestion.
The Conservatives refused to consider alternatives put forward by the Liberal Democrats and are continuing to push ahead withan absurd 2 lane highway.
The question increasingly on the doorstep is Why do Richter’s Conservatives hate bath so much?
So the Conservative-Labour coalition has won this phase but the dispute will certainly carry on. Ombudsman is the next step
Bath MP Don Foster has commented on today’s announcement that the Secretary of State will not be calling in the proposed-Bus Rapid Transit link through Newbridge (along with the Newbridge Park and Ride extension) for his own determination.
Don said, “I am deeply disappointed with the decision made by the Secretary of State. However, this does not change my view that processes followed by the Council throughout have been seriously flawed. I, along with Liberal Democrat colleagues on the Council, will now talk to residents to see if they wish to make a complaint to the Ombudsman.”