As a ward Councillor for Southdown and as the Leader of the the Liberal Democrat group I have a large range of duties and tasks to perform over the Council area only a few of which I claim expenses for. This month I visited Bristol Port, Radstock 3 times, Keynsham twice, Whitchurch once and Peasdown twice – outside the Bath and Bathavon area
Below is a summary of costs for the month followed by what I claimed for:
Miles by car or cycle (walking not included) 231 (210 car 21 cycle)
First Bus day bus passes 1 plus 2 returns on Faresaver
Train to Bristol for a West of England Partnership meeting
Coffee/tea/sundries £69.53
My expenses claim for January
12 miles of travel £5.26 : 1 First day bus pass £4 : 1 return train to Bristol £5.90 : No sundries claimed for.
Total = £15.16