Clutton and Chelwood

Sunday 16 March 2014

Spent an enjoyable day with Cllr Jeremy Sparkes in Chelwood and Clutton.

The first visit was to Chelwood to talk to residnets and local farmers about the impact of all the flood prevention measures we put in as a Lib Dem Council over the summer. They worked well and prevented flooding though one house still had a syupply of sandbags ready abnd used a couple of times. But importantly the water drained away successfully. There are still some issues to follow up on the soil washed off the fields and blocking up the drains.

The second visit was to Clutton to look with local parish Councillors at the needs of pedestrians along the village high street in the light of its increasing use as a rat run for the A37 A39 link and also the needs of children and families to cater for the new housing development. And finally we visited a household suffering from some poor building of sewer outlets from a development and the consequent inconvenience being caused to a householder. Jeremy and I will be following up on both of these as a matter of urgency.

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