Say no to factory farming of cows

The Conservative dominated Lincolnshire County Council needs to be pursuaded to stop the lunacy of cow factory farming (an idea from USA) before it gets started in the UK. Please sign the 38 Degree petition on this subject and write to Councillors in Lincolnshire objecting to this proposed horror.

Big agricultural companies want to open huge US-style factory farms for cows in the UK. Cows would be kept inside all year and not allowed to graze or eat grass. Animal and environment groups are warning that factory farms of this sort are likely to be bad for climate change, bad for cows, and bad for other farmers. [1]

All the proposals to build these ‘mega-dairies’ are in Lincolnshire. That means Lincolnshire County Council could play a key role in stopping this type of factory farming spreading to the UK.

If we work together, we can make sure Lincolnshire Council feels under pressure from thousands of us to say no.

Please sign the petition to Lincolnshire County Council now:

Lincolnshire County Council isn’t often a target for 38 Degrees campaigns. But on this occasion decisions taken in Lincoln could effect the future of farming across the UK. They won’t be used to our kind of people-powered pressure, so we’ve got a great chance to create a real stir and push them to do the right thing.

There are so many reasons why this kind of cow factory farming is a disaster. It relies on huge quantities of imported feed. To grow this feed, rainforest is chopped down, destroying wildlife and increasing climate change. Keeping cows indoors all year round can increase the risk of disease. Industrial milk production also threatens smaller, traditional dairy farms.

We know that campaigning against these cow factory farms can stop them. Local protests have led to two plans for factory farms in Lincolnshire being stalled. But the big agricultural companies will try again soon, and we need to keep building the pressure and make sure people power stops these plans.

Help build a huge petition against the ‘mega-dairies’. Add your name now:

4 thoughts on “Say no to factory farming of cows

  1. […] Paul Crossley calls on his readers to oppose plans for a vast factory farm for cows in Lincolnshire: “There are so many reasons why this kind of cow factory farming is a disaster. It relies on huge quantities of imported feed. To grow this feed, rainforest is chopped down, destroying wildlife and increasing climate change. Keeping cows indoors all year round can increase the risk of disease. Industrial milk production also threatens smaller, traditional dairy farms.” […]

  2. Maureen Deacon says:

    I am horrified by factory farming and wish to write a report for political purposes here in Scotland to ensure that this does not happen here. I have contacted one world website but they asked me to look at it. Being a life long vegetarian and a lover of animals I do not wish to read about the horrors as I can only imagine them. I am a lover of all things natural and do not wish to have GM, nano goo, factory farming or anything artificial forced on us. The animals. chickens, turkeys, fish etc. do not have a voice and it is only we who can hopefully overturn peoples thinking, especially government. Can you please let me have a shortish report that I can present to the party so that hopefully it may be included in the manifesto for now and the future. If it is not accepted I will have no alternative but to ask the Green Party to push for its elimination.
    Many thanks in anticipation of your help. I need this to go through in Scotland as they are more green thinking than in England.
    Yours sincerely, Maureen Deacon

  3. Peter Mates says:

    We know that intensive rearing of animals requires huge inputs of anti-biotics and other undesirable chemicals. All enter the food chain and, over a period of time, lead to anti-biotics becoming less effective when used to treat humans. It is happening now. We also know that the outbreak of potentially fatal swine flu in the american sub-continent originated from intensively reared pigs.

    To date we have avoided that sort of problem in the UK, but if this scheme goes ahead the day or reckoning can only be brought further forward.

  4. Bassam Imam says:

    Animals for food are created by GOD and granted the inalienable rights to be treated, housed, and and slaughtered humanely. There is no room for the horrific cruelty and brutality of the typical factory farm.

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