The controversial new bus station is now open. Not withstanding architecture arguments it is better that we have a new Southgate and bus station that works as opposed to the old Southgate that was there before.
As a bus user I can now wait in warm and dry and get there safely – unlike the experience of getting to the stops in the old layout and when the rail station parts of the new interchange are complete the whole thing will be much better for public transport.
Our Vice Chairman Sarah Bevan was on duty as our current Chair led the false campaign with many other Conservatives that he could save Churchill House that was there before and still have Southgate . I don’t think any his campaign team use the bus at all.
Article and comments in the Chronicle at this LINK .
Picture shows Cllr Sarah Bevan with Sir Moir Lockhead. Now we need to campaign to get First to give us more affordable bus fares – especially family tickets.