Zero Waste the way forward

Here in Bath&NES we were the first Council to adopt Zero Waste as our waste stratgey following a campaign and motion to Council from myself and Roger Symonds supported by the whole group. Upto May 2007 our recycling was improving year on year. However over the last two years the new Conservative administration has failed to introduce same day collection and failed to introduce food waste collection. Two moves that we would have done and by now our recycling rates would be approaching 60% and amongst the best in the country. We have had one victory though in convincing the Conservative administration not to join in with the insane PFI Incinerator bid being put together by Bristol, S Glos and N Somerset Councils.

A key goal to waste issue is not to generate it in the first place. This means looking at what you buy and actually generating less rubbish. We strated Zero Waste week several years ago and this year in the week just finished our household (4 adults currently living here) generated a total rubbish bag of 3lbs.

Press release put out on the 30th

For immediate release: Tuesday, 30 September 2008



Third Annual Zero Waste Week Challenge


Liberal Democrat Councillors in Bath are taking part once again in the Council’s Zero Waste Week Challenge. Councillors Paul Crossley (Southdown), Cherry Beath (Combe Down) and Ian Gilchrist (Widcombe) have all undertaken to attempt to produce no waste for one week (29.09.08 to 05.10.09.)


Councillor Beath commented:


“My family are keen on composting at home and I have recently purchased a kitchen composting gadget in which you put both cooked and raw food waste mixed with a bran-based organic fermented material which prevents the indoor compost bin becoming slimy and smelly. The resulting product is then added to our larger compost heap outside. It’s appalling to think of compostible waste going to land fill.


Councillor Crossley added:


“Liberal Democrats are committed to making Bath and North East Somerset the number one recycling authority in the country.


“It is disappointing that the Conservative-run Council administration is delaying the introduction of the collection of kitchen waste for composting from B&NES residents. The Liberal Democrats intended to introduce kitchen waste collections this year, but now the Conservatives are dithering over when to introduce the service to residents.”


Councillor Gilchrist said:


“The Liberal Democrats introduced this Council’s Zero Waste policy which implies continual progress towards reducing waste. We believe kitchen waste collections should be introduced sooner rather than later.”

Global Warming

Global Warming is a key issue facing all of us. I aim to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible. My electricity is now through GoodEnergy which generates 100% renewable electricity. At the party conference in September I had the opportunity to meet up with Steve Webb MP to discuss the issue and urge him to increase the party commitments on the environmental. It is one of our USPs with the Conservatives and Labour inactive or non-commital on the agenda, or even worse supporting nightmare solutions such as nuclear power. What is clear we cannot proceed as we are.

Action needed now to stop flooding


Action is needed now to stop major flooding in the years ahead. The recent floods from Gloucestershire to Hull in the UK and in a number of countries around the world clearly demonstrate the the global nature of the problem.


With climate change leading to wetter weather and melting of the polar ice caps leading to rising sea levels, many areas in the UK are under threat of flooding. The picture below demonstrates what could happen in the UK if no action is taken to stop further climate change taking place.


Liberal Democrat plans to cut down on carbon emissions which are leading to climate change include:

  • Cutting income tax and make polluters pay instead – so it pays to go green
  • Making a big investment in public transport, including the immediate start on a high speed rail network
  • Making energy companies use windfall profits to insulate homes, reducing emissions and cutting bills
  • Shifting to cleaner, greener energy, with incentives for a massive expansion of renewable projects


We need action now and cannot wait till the coastline is creeping up towards Bath!!. Global Warming with Steve Webb