Bathampton Meadows – gathering storm for the Tories

Thank you for your email. We have all received over 200 emails against the proposed Park and Ride options and very few in favour. Some of our Liberal Democrat Councillors have replied individually but we thought it only right in view of the concerns expressed that we contact you with a fuller explanation of our position.

Please be assured that the Liberal Democrat Councillors will NOT support any inappropriate schemes. The proof of this is in the consistency of our action over time.

In March 2011 the Conservative administration had a scheme to tarmac the meadows and create a park and ride in full view of Batheaston village. This not only had Government backing and funding in place, but it had also gone through the planning process and had all the planning permissions required.

It was ready to start being built.

In May 2011 the Liberal Democrats took control of the Council from the Conservatives. Our first act was to cancel the planned closure of Culverhay school by the Conservative administration. This is now a successful co-educational school serving the families of SW Bath.
Our second act was to cancel the ill thought out and destructive plan to create a Park and Ride on Bathampton Meadows.

Over the next four years we developed a bold and imaginative rail based solution. This would have :-
* put parking between the two rail lines
* created a new station for Bathampton
* provided a turn-round station for the new Metro West suburban rail system which is being implemented over the coming decade agreed by our cabinet during this time.
* provided an opportunity to explore creating an A36-A46 link road

By developing a integrated transport solution we would have made a real impact on a number of transport issues affecting our communities. It would have been a more expensive and complex but it would provide infrastructure improvements that would stand the test of time. The new administration has simply dismissed this work as too costly and too difficult.

As you put in your email, this park and ride is being proposed based on incomplete information. Not only will it destroy the Bathampton Meadows, it won’t solve Bath’s traffic issue! It seems to us that the main consideration of the current Conservative cabinet is to find the cheapest possible solution so that they can tick a box and say – Job Done.

I and my group will work to try and get the right result for residents at the meeting on the 12th, but the sad thing is that because the Conservatives have a majority on the Council, they can win any vote. The only way we can persuade the Tories not to concrete over the meadows, is to keep up the pressure. The National Trust, Bath Preservation Trust, and the various Parish Councils are against the scheme and will be at the Council meeting on 12th to make their feelings known. Many of the people who wrote to us have also registered to speak and have their voice heard.

If you cannot attend the meeting you will be able to watch on the web live or at your own leisure at a time of convenience during the next six months.

Thank you for your interest in this consultation.
