Bath Western Riverside and transport controversy

The Conservatives are really trying hard to push through a controversial bus rapid transit road (nicknamed Richter’s Road to Ruin) in Bath following on from park and ride controversies in Bathampton. The planning issues have created a storm within the Conservative group – see CHRONICLE STORY .

The Liberal Democrats have offered an alternative to Richter’s Conservative’s crazy road solution based on bus priorities using the Lower and Upper Bristol road. However the Conservatives refuse to evaluate the option and we are certainly heading for a showdown on a 1 mile road that will save no time, blight peoples lives, destroy a green corridor and cost millions to achieve very little.

Meanwhile the Bath Western Riverside project is collapsing fast LINK  and without that development it makes proceeding with the rapid transit system even less rational. I the two years that the Conservatives have been the administration we have lost a Bath Spa University project, a Dyson project and now the Riverside looks increasingly at risk. At least projects we started are now coming to fruition – the Southgate, Milsom Place, EPHs and more.

Severn Barrage – No thanks

The last West f England Partnership debated it response to the Government shortlisting of options to harness energy from the Severn Estuary. It shortlisted 5 including 3 barrages. Whilst there is a debate to be had on the two small barrages it is absolute nonsense to be considering further the £25billion large barrage coming across to Somerset from Cardiff. Not only is it a waste of money but it is a further waste of £10M to investigate it further. It wont be built and it should be discarded now.

The South West has a golden opportunity to become a world leader in getting tidal reefs, lagoons and fences to work. Not building a huge dam that is bad for the environment, bad for ecology and makes no economic sense.

Add to that the fact that it will devestate Bristol Port.  Today went for a visit to the Port to see at first hand the work it does and look at its plans for the future. A future that will see it develop to take the new large ships being planned and a future that puts its freight straight onto the rail system or the motorway network.

Government response to RSS is ‘head in the sand’

The RSS process for regional housing, employment and infrastructure planning is a completely flawed process. Our Council after much work and consultation agreed 15K new houses. The Region with no justification increased this to 18K and the Government with a ‘pigs might fly’ aproach upped this to 21K.

Needless to say we are all angry and many signed the online government petition against the process.

Now we have the response at LINK  This response coming as it did today is either a case of burying bad news or just another example of how this Labour Government is simply falling apart at the seams.

Aung San Suu Kyi – free her now

It is a tragedy and failure of the worlds governments that so little support is being given to the people of Burma and Aung San Suu Kyi. She should be freed now and allowed to put her case to the people of Burma. The generals should be forced to allow a free vote and respect the outcome of that vote.

I am sure it would be a landslide for Aung San Suu Kyi.

Lots of Youtube support – but a wall of silence from Gordon Brown and the Labour Government who seem to be more interested in protecting the Speaker of the House.

Check out this You Tube – one of many –

Same Day waste collection is coming

Our Conservative administration is finally getting round to introducing same day waste collection. Two years too late really and they campaigned hard during the last administration to oppose same place collection. This could have been done (and was planned for introduction) in 2007. Still better late than never.

Same day collection apart from meeting the first criteria of making it easier for residents has the added bonus of increasing recycling rates by 6%. In addition it will allow flexibility in getting other streams sorted and introduced.

The collection will start on June 8 and residents can find out their new day by typing their post code into  to find out more.

Conservative and Labour support Bristol International Airport growth

Our motion to full Council to try and restrict the growth of this airport was defeated last night by the combined forces of Conservative, Labour and Independent Councillors.

The Liberal Democrats called for a halt to growth and challenged the claimed economic benefits and pointed out that unrestrained growth in flying was damaging to our environment. Not to mention the chaos that is already being caused in our small villages in NE Somerset by the passengers driving to the airport.

However this all fell on deaf ears and the Conservatives – lead by Whitchurch Councillor Peter Edwards – amended our motion to turn it into a peon of praise for airport growth and economic benefit without a care in the world for the environment.

Third Heathrow runway? – No thanks

Airport expansion is an emotive issue at present. Locally Bristol International Airport are also seeking massive expansion. There seems to be lots of false claims made about airports. One thing for sure though is that they export jobs from an area like ours through the airport with cheap package holidays and encouraging people to buy second homes in remote locations.

I have just signed up to join in with Greenpeace’s beneficial plot of land and have also written to our Prime Minister on the issue:-

Dear Prime Minister
I would like to urge you to change your mind on the third runway and expansion of Heathrow
I have joined with thousands of others as a benefial owner of a plot of land in the way of the third
Air travel cannot be environmentally friendly and should in no way be subsidised. People who fly
should pay the true cost of the flight and that step alone would reduce demand and hence
expansion need.
Emission caps and offsetting schmes simply miss the point – we should not be expanding airtravel
or subsidising it at taxpayer expense.
Please halt your plans on the third runway for Heathrow. There is no shame in listening to
arguement and changing a position based on evidence and demand.
Paul Crossley

cc: Mr Don Foster, MP
House of Commons

Nuclear Power – NO THANKS

This Labour government is obsessed with pushing nuclear power onto us. It is not environmentally sustainable,  it is not economically viable and it won’t solve global warming. It is pure and simple big business and a Labour lack of will and vision.

Not only have this Labour Government corrupted the planning process to force its nightmare onto us it is also now destroying good clean energy production.

A successful wind farm close to the Lake District national park is one of the sites recently approved by the Government for a new generation of nuclear power plants. The site at Kirksanton in Cumbria – home to the Haverigg turbines – was one of Britain’s first wind farms and is also one of the most efficient.

The site’s owners, local environmental groups and the British Wind Energy Association have spoken out at the lack of early consultation and the speed at which nuclear plants are moving through the planning process. You can read the full story in the Guardian:

You can help our campaign against nuclear power by encouraging people you know to sign the petition at

Gurkha Victory

What a great vote for decency in parliament. Gordon Brown was shown up for his lack of leadership and Phil Woolas for his inability to understand justice. Shame on all the labour MPs who voted against this motion and against Gurkhas who have served our country so well with pride and valour.  Surely now the Government will change its rules. For more information  the website  and  here  and here on the party website.

Let us have justice for the Gurkhas NOW

I signed up to this campaign a long time ago and it is great to see the support from so many members of the public. Joanna Lumley has been great. The decision by the Labour Government this last week is simply shameful. Lets hope MPs of all parties support Nick Clegg’s motion in Parliament.

see for more details

Letter from Joanna

Thank you so much for your support of the Gurkha Justice campaign. We are overwhelmed by the support the campaign is receiving.

As you may know, on Friday, the Government badly let down the Gurkhas. The new rules they have announced will exclude the huge majority of ex-Gurkhas who retired before 1997 from claiming citizenship in this  country. They’ve given five bullet points that virtually cannot be met by the ordinary Gurkha soldier.

It is so obvious that the treatment of the Gurkhas has been a great injustice. To treat them like this is despicable.

The strong reaction by the public and press should show the Government that they simply cannot get away with this outrage.

I’m ashamed of our adminstration. We will be challenging this decision in the courts and in Parliament. We will not stop now.

This is not a party political campaign: it’s simply one for justice. I am so grateful though for immediate support from MPs from all Parties, including amongst others Conservative leader David Cameron and Lib Dem Leader Nick Clegg.

Nick Clegg has agreed to put a vote to Parliament this Wednesday calling for a fair deal for Gurkhas. This vote on its own won’t change the Government’s ruling, but would be an overwhelming signal to the Government that they need to think again.

We need all MPs that support the Gurkha justice cause to turn up and vote for a proper deal for Gurkhas on Wednesday. Can I ask that you take a couple of minutes right now to ask your MP to do so?

You can send a message to your MP directly at – please ask them to support the Gurkha Justice motion on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, there will also be a Gurkha Justice rally and protest against the Government’s decision, starting at noon in Old Palace Yard, Westminster. Many MPs have already committed to support the vote and join me and others at the rally. I know it’s awfully short notice, but if you can, please do come along as well to add your support.

If you can pass on this message to others as well that would be fabulous – and if they sign up to we can keep in touch with them directly in future.

Lastly, again, thank you so much for your support. It means so much to us. I spoke today to Lt Madan Kumar Gurung, who has been at the forefront of the campaign since it began. He said to me that he has no fear for the Gurkhas any more, as he knows the loving hearts of the British people will not let them down. With your support we won’t.

With warmest good wishes,
